I received an email:

“Are you the David Durnford who attended Dunstable Grammar School in the 1960’s?
I think I might Know you.”
It was from Stephen (Tank) Matthews, someone I’d known at school some thirty odd years ago!
It was the formation of the Friends Reunited website that was the start. My sister joined and the name ‘Sylvia Durnford’ rang a few bells in crusty old brains. Tank emailed her and asked if she had a brother who attended Dunstable Grammar School, and was given my email address. Hence the email above.
Encouraged to join Friends Reunited myself, I was then contacted by
Robin Marriott and invited to a reunion of Dunstable Grammar School ‘Old
Boys’ at Redbourne.
That was an uncanny experience. Being in a room full of middle aged men who hadn’t seen each other for thirty-five years does strange things to your head. Each one was looking at the others thinking who are these old farts? Surely I’m not that old?
An evening of drinking, a good meal and some reminiscing then some more drinking reassured us that we were indeed amongst our old school chums.
We all agreed to do it again next year; we'd make it an annual event.
Our present venue?
‘The Sow And Pigs’, Toddington.
(Usually the First Saturday in February)