Dunstable School   





old boys

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2011 "The Angel", Toddington

I thought you might like to know a bit about the venue choice and the change!  Last year Rob, Mac and myself discussed the venue and having lost the Red Lion in Toddington (there are plans to turn it into an Indian but they are in conflict with the planners as they have started to knock about the place which is a listed building!) which has served us well for the last few years, we thought about an alternative in Dunstable, for a change.

Each January the DSOBA committee has a lunch at Dunstable Golf Club and we thought that would make a good venue.  So at this years lunch we discussed with Derek 'Des' Woolhead who is on our committee and a member at the GC about the idea and he teed (yes, pun intended!) it all up.  Even down to getting a dispensation for us to have to wear ties!  But then the club captain wanted to use the room and it all fell apart around Des's ears, much to his annoyance.  Thanks Des for all your help and pleased you will be joining us again this year.

So next choice was the Sow & Pigs  where we met some years ago - Tank enjoyed getting the cane again from former prefect Nick Pett. Mac teed this up but when the warning signs appeared ie they closed then reopened ! he tried valiantly to keep the Sow as a possibility but in the end realised that it was not on. So where to now?

By luck on Shrove Tuesday (I had been up the Conger Hill to listen to the witch frying her pancakes! - don't ask) I went into the Angel for a sandwich with a couple of the girls that I was at primary school with, who then went to Q Eleanors - we are celebrating later this year 50 years of leaving primary school! New people had taken it on and promised no Brake Brothers, as there was before, and therefore fresh food.

So Mac and I were forced to have a drink or two there and were impressed with their approach and we decided to go ahead.  I ate there last week and the food was pretty good.

The room may be a bit cosy but I am sure we will have a great night - who knows where the venue will be next year! Ideas welcome!






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emails received:





The Centenary    1989
Redbourne     2nd February 2002
Toddington     1st February 2003
13th February 2004

  5th February 2005

18th February 2006

  3rd February 2007

26 th March 2011







old boys

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