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May 17, 2008 - 03:16 AM
John Murphy
- [email protected]

Hello, It was enormously entertaining to look through your web site. I was a pupil at D.G.S. from 1969 through 1974. Of course, it had become Manshead by the end of my time, but I still recall many of the traditions associated with my first few years at the old school. I have vivid recollections of being a 'shell', and enjoying only what remained in the lunch trays after every other year had taken their fill. Getting 'lines' from a prefect was a constant threat, but it was never as terrifying as the ever frozen swimming pool. The assembly hall was inspirational, with wooden panels and the golden names of the fallen in each war.... There was also an organ if my memory serves me correctly. Ashton lodge was the home of our music lessons. A cacophony of recorders playing similar, but not necessarily identical tunes. Slip taught maths, Maxi taught English, Long Playing Banfield was still the headmaster. Taffy Duncan was his Himmler if I recall correctly. Dolly still taught art, although that was a contradiction in terms for most of us. Many thanks for putting this web site together. Regards John Murphy.

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