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Sep 20, 2006 - 9:21 PM
Robin Marriott
- [email protected]

I was at the School from 1961 to 1966, a bit of a duffer I'm afraid. Out of curiosity I attended the 1988 Centenary Celebration Dinner and in 2 hours had more fun than I'd had in 5 years at the School! A year later about eight of us from the Class of '61 got together and had a great time. Myself, Den O'Donoghue, Steve Matthews and John Bryant regularly attended the Annual Lunch held at he School each Autumn. We were a lonely band of "youngsters" in our 40s, amidst about 80 others, most of whom were at least 20 years our seniors. These days, thanks to a load of hard work, between 25 and 30 of us represent the 60's years with 15 to 20 of us attending the Luncheon each year. The Class of '61 has also gotten into the habit of meeting up every February in Toddington. We drink a little, BS a lot (or should that be the other way round?) and always have great time. We usually manage to dig up an ex Master or Prefect to come along under the pretence of giving an interesting and informative insight into the mysteries of the school but it also gives us the opportunity to resume the practice of throwing insults and hard objects at the person standing in front of us delivering a lecture! Seriously, it's very satisfying to reconnect once or twice a year with people from so many different walks of life and I would urge you all to participate in, and encourage reunions. Anyone who is interested to join the DSOBA please contanct me through this site...

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